Continuing Education Marine Ecology Course Near Me

Best ecology course tutorial class certification training online

35+ Experts have compiled this list of 4 Best Ecology Courses and Certifications that are available online for 2022. In this list, you can find paid and free resources that can help you learn Ecology.

7 Best Ecology Courses & Certifications [2022 OCTOBER]

1. Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation (Coursera)

This course studies the case of Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park to understand how scientists study ecosystems and investigate the factors that impact their recovery. The first module of the course explores the parts that constitute the ecosystem, interactions between them, and their reaction to disruption. The focus of the second module is populations within ecosystems. You will learn who or what populates an ecosystem, the role different species play, and the response of the ecosystem when a species is removed.  In the third module, you will investigate how species coexist and the effect of adding an invasive species to the ecosystem. The fourth module examines the interactions of biotic and abiotic factors within an ecosystem.  The fifth module is dedicated to studying whether or not an ecosystem can recover and the role of humans in the process.


– Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation is offered by American Museum Of Natural History, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

– The lessons come with quizzes and assignments to help check your learning

– After taking up a Coursera's course, you can join the community discussion forums and learn from your peers

– To earn the Course Certificate, you have clear the auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments

– After clearing the assignments, you can pay a small fee and receive a shareable electronic Course Certificate

– You can add the shareable certificate to your LinkedIn profile or printed resume

Duration: 10 hours

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

You Can Sign up Here

Review: A very in depth and informative look into the field of ecology and conservation, particularly with regards to the fieldwork and mathematical modeling. The lectures were also excellent. – LF

2. Understanding Plants – Part I: What a Plant Knows By Tel Aviv University (Coursera)

This interdisciplinary course draws upon historical studies and modern research to grasp how plants themselves experience the world. In the first lesson of the course, you will discover what a plant knows. The second lesson introduces and explains advanced concepts in plant sensory biology.  You will study the plant sensory system with a focus on how a plant responds to light.  The third lesson will teach you about the plant cell and walk you through experiments to detect plant responses to volatile chemicals.  How plants respond to tactile stimulation, is discussed in the fourth lesson. You are introduced to the mechano-sensory system, examine the use of electricity in neural communication, find out how the Venus flytrap knows when to close, explore how plants cope with windy conditions by changing their structure and delve into the plant's genetic response to touch. The fifth lesson concentrates on proprioception.  You will study the root structure and learn where the cells are that sense gravity. With the help of the sixth lesson, you will explore how plants retain, store, and recall sensory information. Check out our compilation of Best Environmental Science Courses.


– Tel Aviv University developed this course

– After completing the course, you can opt to receive a shareable course certificate, by paying a small fee

– You can include the certificate in your digital profile or printed resume

Duration: 18 hours

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

You Can Sign up Here

3. Ecology and Wildlife Conservation by University of Leeds (FutureLearn)

This course is being offered by University of Leeds and will be taught by Professor Christopher Hassall. It begins with how conservation biologists study the ecosystem and how their insights can help conserve the environment. During the second week of the course, you will learn how human beings affect the environment, such as the damage of coral reefs due to global climate change. This course can be taken by anyone interested in ecology and conservation. However, it is ideal for high school students and students who will be entering university soon. Check our curation of Best Botany Courses.


-Understand the impact of global climate change on two important species.

-Identify the technology and techniques used by conservation scientists to study biodiversity.

-Develop skills to independently study ecology and the environment.

-Increase your understanding of wildlife conservation.

-Completing this course will help ease the university application process for students wishing to pursue ecology, biology and environmental sciences at the university level.

Duration: 2 weeks, 2 hours/week

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review: Excellent course. Returning to learning after many many years, I found the content interesting, informative and easy to follow. Would thoroughly recommend for the mature student and the younger student equally. – Anita H.

4. Online Course in Ecology (The University of Idaho)

University of Idaho's online Ecology courses are delivered via video conference or Blackboard Learn. Climatology, Advanced Fish Physiology, Conservation Biology, Landscape Genetics, Restoration Ecology, and Wild Land Plant Identification are some of the courses delivered.


– These courses are designed and delivered by the University of Idaho

– These courses help you earn credits

Duration: Variable

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You Can Sign up Here

5. Introduction to Ecology by OpenStax College(Alison)

This course is ideal for people interested in ecology, beginners, intermediates as well as experts. It begins with an introduction of the scope of ecology and teaches other modules including: introduction to terrestrial and aquatic biomes, ecology assessment and effects of global climate change. It will help you distinguish between ecological patterns and processes, understand factors that control biodiversity, identify features of terrestrial and aquatic biomes and more. The course is ideal for anyone interested in ecology with or without prior knowledge of the subject. Don't forget to check our list of Best Plant Biology Courses.


A valuable course that will help you identify the relationship between different components of the ecosystem.

-It equips one to be able to differentiate between terrestrial biomes.

-Gain an understanding of global climate change and its impact on the environment.

-Understand how animals, humans and the environment interact with one another.

-Be able to attempt a comparison of the characteristics of different ocean zones.

Duration: 1.5-3 Hours

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

6. Introducing the Environment: Ecology and Ecosystems (Open University)

This is an introductory level course in ecology and ecosystems. The topics discussed include The Science of Ecology, Identification and Naming, Interrelationships, Mapping Interrelationships, and Ecological Health. By the time you finish going through the course, you would have picked up a rich vocabulary of scientific terms. Have a look at our take on Best Geology Courses.


– This course can be accessed for free

– You will learn the basics of ecology and ecosystems

– Each lesson is followed by an activity to help you learn better

– The course comes with a Statement of Participation

Duration: 5 hours

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You Can Sign up Here

7. Ecology: from cells to Gaia by National Research Tomsk State University(Coursera)

Program has been discontinued

Taught by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti this online course is beneficial for students who are interested in ecology and have a background in biology. This course will teach you the basic concepts of ecology, the influence of human beings on ecosystems, evolutionary processes and how different organisms interact with their environment. You can expect to conduct surveys, collect and analyze information, cover theory as well as real-time issues in ecology. Learners taking this course will require a basic background in biology and understanding of English.


-Gain an understanding of local as well as global environmental issues.

-Gain knowledge of important literature in the field of ecology.

-Be able to use research methodology and analytical techniques to study ecology.

-Be able to examine factors responsible for protecting the ecosystem.

-Be able to identify the issues concerning the field of ecology and evolution.

-It equips you to analyze the gathered information and use the analysis to solve conservation questions.

Duration:  6 Hours

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review: Great topics covered. Honest portrayal of current environmental challenges and ways to address them, and super interesting and not too difficult course material. Well balanced and thought through course. -James H.

So these were the 7 Best Ecology Courses & Certifications available online for 2022. We hope you found what you were looking for. We wish you Happy Learning!


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