How to Track Continuing Education Credits

It's no secret that a considerable part of a modern clinician's day consists of cumbersome administrative and bureaucratic responsibilities – things that take providers away from practicing medicine. Beyond documenting work on electronic health records and filling out complicated insurance forms, tasks such as keeping track of license compliance can slip under the radar. The workload of countless clinicians would be alleviated by a reliable, cutting edge CE tracker. Tracking CE is much like doing taxes – you would rather not do it, but there can be severe consequences if you ignore it (such as losing your license or losing a malpractice case due to "practicing without a valid license").

Old-Fashioned CME Credit Management

The first option many clinicians fall back on to manage CE credits is self reporting.  This, in our opinion, is one of the more difficult methods of engaging the CE tracking process. However, if you're still insistent, there are many options for tracking your CE by yourself.  Hear us out though, there are significantly more optimal ways to save both time and money while still tracking your CE at a high standard.

1. Paper, Filing Cabinets and More Paper — Self-Management

The first self-method of CE tracking is also the oldest: physical tracking.  After you've completed a CE, you receive a certificate to demonstrate completion of the course and to validate the type of credit awarded.  While this method gives you a tangible paper trail to follow your CE requirements, it quickly becomes burdensome to manage a stack of papers while transcribing that information for your board or certifying organization.

2. Technology Self-Management

tracking CE with EXCEL

Building your own excel spreadsheet is certainly a step up from folders and filing cabinets, but once again one is left alone to manage each title, credit, topic and nuance of every certificate and every state requirement. The lack of cross references and live updates that a CE tracking service provide would be sorely missed.

Online CME trackers

Related blog article: 5 Top CE Tracking apps and online tools

1. Tracking through an education site

Moving onto more sophisticated methods of tracking CE, there are some associations, such as the ABFM , that keep track of your CE whenever you take one of their sponsored courses.  The problem with this method is that if you take CE from more than one educator, you return to the burden of juggling multiple CE sources . This effectively negates the entire purpose of having a third party track your continuing education. Another problem is that these often require that you pay high membership fees. However, there are alternatives that manage just that.

smartphone CE tracker

2. Finding and tracking through an app

Now what if you want more than just a one-dimensional tracking tool? The CE App is built to be an all-in-one solution for medical professionals like you. You can also join for free CE tracking.

ACEA genuinely believes the CE App is the best CE tracker out there, and we take pride in offering its service.  With CE App, you can track all of your CE credits in one place , upload certificates, and request customized CE curation based on your license and specialty all for free. In addition to tracking features, you can also take advantage of our CE concierge service, which will help you register for CE conferences and will send you reminders of your remaining CE credits for each license you hold.

When it comes to the hassle of searching for CE credits, the CE App is designed to streamline and eliminate time waste in the process. This is accomplished simply through having experts design and assist in every aspect of CE tracking and course curation. We recommend managing your credits with the CE App, which is already eliminating bureaucratic struggles and freeing up time for hundreds medical professionals in the United States.

Sign up and give CE App a try today for free.


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