Health Benefits of Vaginal Birth for Baby Scholarly

Clin Perinatol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Jun 1.

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PMCID: PMC3110651


Cesarean versus Vaginal Delivery: Long term babe outcomes and the Hygiene Hypothesis

Josef Neu

a Professor of Pediatrics, Segmentation of Neonatology, University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida

b Manager, Neonatology Fellowship Training Plan, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Jona Rushing

c Swain, Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Keywords: microbiota, way of delivery, hygiene hypothesis


In the United States the rate of cesarean delivery (CD) has risen 48% since 1996, reaching a level of 31.8% in 2007. 1 This trend is reflected in many parts of the world, with the most populous country in the globe, China, approaching fifty%2 and some private clinics in Brazil budgeted 80% 3. While a significant number of CD are preformed for obstetrical indications, some are simply due to maternal request and may incur several risks for the kid. Well known among these risks are neonatal depression due to general anesthesia, fetal injury during hysterotomy and/or delivery, increased likelihood of respiratory distress even at term, and breastfeeding complications. Concurrent with the trend of increasing CD, in that location has been an epidemic of both autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis and allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis4 , 5. The occurrence of these diseases is higher in more affluent, Western, industrialized countries. Several theories have emerged that propose ecology influences are contributing to this phenomenon. Almost notably, the "hygiene hypothesis" suggests that an overly clean environment, specially in early babyhood, may contribute to the development of several childhood diseases. It was showtime proposed by Strachan, who observed an inverse correlation between hay fever and the number of older siblings. 6 This was subsequently extended by others from the allergies to autoimmune diseases such as type ane diabetes. v Whether the increase in CD incidence is besides causally related will exist addressed in this review.

The interplay betwixt the emerging microbial ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and the developing mucosal allowed system serves equally a backdrop for a relationship between CD and the emergence of some of these diseases. With the highly immunoreactive intestine serving every bit the largest surface surface area of the body that is exposed to the environment, especially a vast array of luminal microbes and antigens, it is intriguing to speculate that the intestinal environmental interaction during early evolution of the immune system may relate to these diseases. One intriguing component of this relates to the early development of the intestinal microbiota, the developing immune system and the early influence of cesarean versus vaginal delivery (VD) on these phenomena. The immune organization undergoes major development during infancy and is highly related to the microbes that colonize the intestinal tract.7 - 9 Information technology has been suggested that different initial exposures depend on mode of delivery (VD vs. CD). The microbes that "seed' the intestine during either CD or VD may lead to changes in long term colonization and subsequent altering of immune development (Fig. 1). Here we will provide background about the man microbiota, its human relationship to the developing immune organisation, and the human relationship of manner of delivery on the colonization of the infant intestine, development of the immune system, and subsequent babyhood allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases.

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The human being body, consisting of most 100 trillion cells, carries about ten times as many microorganisms in the intestines. ten - 12 Information technology is estimated that these gut flora accept around 100 times as many genes in amass every bit in that location are in the human genome.13 The metabolic activities performed by these leaner resemble those of an organ, leading some to liken gut bacteria to a "forgotten" organ. 12 Microorganisms perform a host of useful functions, such equally fermenting unused energy substrates, training the immune organization, preventing growth of harmful, pathogenic leaner, regulating the development of the gut, and producing vitamins for the host (such as biotin and vitamin Thousand). 14 Excitement almost the potential of harnessing the intestinal microbiota for therapeutic purposes and health is reflected by the popularity of pro- and prebiotics and even such seemingly esoteric therapies as homo fecal transplantation. fifteen

Non all the species in the gut have been identified because nearly cannot be cultured, 10 and identification is difficult. An effort to amend describe the microflora of the gut and other body locations using newly adult not-civilisation based technologies16 has been initiated and termed the "Human Microbiome Project"17. This projection has a mission of generating resources enabling comprehensive label of the man microbiota and analysis of its role in human health and illness. Although the human intestine is the site where about studies are being focused, other sites such as the skin, float, oral cavity and vagina harbor distinct microbial populations and are likely to also play major roles in health and afflictionxvi.


Nearly current literature suggests that the gastrointestinal tract of a normal fetus is sterile. During birth and quickly thereafter, leaner from the mother and the surrounding environment colonize the infant's gut. It is obvious that exposure at nativity would differ past style of delivery. What long term sequelae or impact this difference in exposure may have on the child has yet to be determined.

Some recent research piece of work suggests colonization may begin even earlier. While the paradigm has been that babies' intestines are sterile until birth, recent work plant a microbial customs already habitation in the meconium of some babies born prematurely.18 It has likewise been shown that amniotic fluid of mothers with preterm labor contains a big and diverse spectrum of bacterial rDNA. 20 While a infant is in utero, it typically swallows 400 to 500 milliliters of amniotic fluid per 24-hour interval at term, and the hypothesis that intra-amniotic infection is the driving forcefulness behind preterm labor is one being widely studied in obstetrics.xix Whether the microbes or microbial components swallowed in the amniotic fluid stimulate an inflammatory response driving preterm birth remains to be evaluated. The event these organisms have on the developing immune organization, aside from their office in preterm labor, likewise raises interesting questions.

Currently, very few studies have investigated the development of the human microbiota afterward birth using non-civilization based techniques. In a step toward greater systematic investigation of babies born at term, Palmer et al.21 evaluated the developing microbiota of infants during the first year later birth using microarray techniques to detect and quantify the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences of most currently recognized species and taxonomic groups of bacteria; this was done along with sequencing of cloned libraries of PCR-amplified SSU rDNAto contour the microbial communities in xiv healthy total-term infants during the commencement yr subsequently nascence. To investigate possible origins of the infant microbiota, the researchers also profiled vaginal and milk samples from almost of the mothers equally well as stool samples from all of the mothers, most of the fathers, and two siblings. The investigators establish that the composition and temporal patterns of the microbial communities varied widely from baby to baby, but the singled-out features of each baby's microbial customs were recognizable for intervals of weeks to months. The strikingly parallel temporal patterns from a ready of dizygotic twins suggested that incidental ecology exposures play a major part in determining the distinctive characteristics of the microbial community in each babe. By the finish of the first twelvemonth of life, microbial ecosystems in each baby, although still distinct, had converged toward a profile characteristic of the adult alimentary canal. Of involvement, Bifidobacteria were not found in these infants using these techniques. This could be highly significant in that it may debunk the large corporeality of attention this microbe has received as a potentially important microbe that may be harnessed as a probiotic. On the other hand, this could be a technical problem that yet needs to be solved using these newly developed methodologies.

Although a few studies have monitored the bacterial communities in preterm infants, our picture of the intestinal microbiota even so remains express. To decide whether noncultured bacteria represent an of import part of the community in premature babies' abdominal ecosystems, Magne et al.22 used 16S rRNA genes and PCR-based electrophoretic profiling of 288 clones obtained from the fecal samples of 16 preterm infants. These were classified into 25 molecular species. The mean number of molecular species per baby was three.25 and ranged from one to viii. The researchers constitute loftier interindividual variability. The primary bacterial groups encountered belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae family unit and the genera Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus. The preterm infants were colonized past anaerobes and merely four bifidobacteria (again seeming to minimize these taxa during evolution). The researchers did not make up one's mind the relative impacts of commitment mode, sex, gestational age, birth weight, historic period at sampling, feeding modes, and antibiotic therapies. They concluded that species diversity was depression and interindividual variability was high in the carrion of preterm infants, every bit revealed by sequences of 16S rRNA genes and PCR-temporal temperature slope gel electrophoresis profiles (TGGE). The intestinal ecosystem of these preterm infants had no typical characteristic.

In summary, whether the fetal intestinal ecosystem is sterile at the fourth dimension of birth remains a question. This may be the case in some infants, merely not necessarily in others, peculiarly preterms. This may in plow play a role in the initiation of preterm labor. However, the species diversity does announced to exist low in most infants before long after nascency, only this increases with environmental exposure. Very little is currently known about the specific emergence of the microbial ecology of infants during the get-go yr after birth and how this specifically relates to development of immunity and subsequent wellness and illness.


A comprehensive review of the functions of the intestinal microbiota is beyond the scope of this review, but here we wish to focus on the immunologic functions because of their importance in development of the immune system and possible pathogenesis of several known allergic and autoimmune diseases. Intestinal bacteria are key in promoting the early development of the gut'south mucosal immune organisation, both in terms of its physical components and function and proceed to play a role later in life in its operation. The bacteria stimulate the lymphoid tissue associated with the gut mucosa to produce antibodies to pathogens. The immune system recognizes and fights harmful bacteria, but leaves the helpful species solitary, a tolerance developed in infancy, and sometimes termed the "old friends" hypothesis. 23 (Figure ii) This hypothesis appears to be a synthesis of the hygiene hypothesis that proposes that the role of these microorganisms that have evolve with humans provide an essential office in the institution of the immune arrangement wherein the microorganisms and the host have evolved a co-dependence: the most relevant organisms are those that co-evolved with mammals. These microorganisms are interacting with other modernistic environmental changes that besides lead to enhanced inflammatory responses such as inappropriate diet, obesity, psychological stress, vitamin D deficiency, pollution (dioxins), and peradventure even cesarean delivery. The range of chronic inflammatory disorders that is afflicted is potentially larger than unremarkably causeless and include allergies, autoimmunity, inflammatory bowel disease, just likewise vascular disease, some cancers, depression/anxiety and possibly neurodegenerative disorders and type ii diabetes.

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"The Sometime Friends Hypothesis"

Common organisms collaborate with dendritic cells in the GI tract, leading to increased maturation of dendritic cells. When there is interaction with these organisms again, the dendritic cells increase Treg maturation; not Th1 or Th2. This increases the baseline corporeality of anti-inflammatory cytokines, producing a Eyewitness Suppression. Another consequence of the increased number of mature dendritic cells is as they interact with self antigens, they increase the number Treg specific to these antigens. This is referred to as Specific Suppression. Together these two artillery lead to tolerance of both self antigens also as those of helpful gut organisms.

Basic laboratory based research is supplementing the epidemiologic studies. Recent findings have shown that gut leaner play a function in the expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the intestines. TLRs are ane of the ii classes of design recognition receptors (PRR) that provide the intestine the ability to discriminate between pathogenic and commensal bacteria. These PRRs identify the pathogens that have crossed the mucosal barrier and trigger a set of responses that take activeness against the pathogen, involving three primary immunosensory cells: surface enterocytes, M cells and dendritic cells.24 The other class of PRRs are known equally the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain/caspase recruitment domain isoforms (NOD/Card), which are cytoplasmic proteins that recognize endogenous or microbial molecules or stress responses and form oligomers that activate inflammatory caspases. This would outcome in the cleavage and activation of important inflammatory cytokines and/or activate the NF-κB signaling pathway to induce the production of inflammatory molecules. 24

Bacteria tin influence the phenomenon known as oral tolerance, in which the immune system is less sensitive to an antigen (including those produced by gut leaner) once it has been ingested. This tolerance, mediated in part by the gastrointestinal immune system and in function by the liver, tin can reduce overreactive allowed responses like those found in allergies and auto-immune disease.25

There are several antenatal and perinatal events that might likewise affect the evolution of the intestinal microbial environmental. Therapy with wide-spectrum antibiotics is a mutual practice for mothers who go into premature labor or who have a CD. This handling tin reduce the biodiversity of the fecal microbiota and may exist a factor in the crusade of necrotizing enterocolitis. 26 , 27 Studies in mice show that intestinal commensal microbiota have an influence on early on postnatal immune evolution via interactions with intestinal Cost like receptors, which in turn are likely to influence the development of the mucosal immune organisation and mucosal-related diseases.28 Other studies suggest that specific microbes may induce regulatory T-cell development. For example, a prominent human commensal, Bacteroides fragilis, directs the development of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) with a unique "inducible" genetic signature. 29 Monocolonization of germ-gratis animals with B. fragilis increases the suppressive capacity of Tregs and induces anti-inflammatory cytokine product exclusively from Foxp3(+) T cells in the gut. This outcome appears to be mediated by an immunomodulatory molecule, polysaccharide A (PSA), of B. fragilis, which mediates the conversion of CD4(+) T cells into Foxp3(+) Treg cells that produce IL-10 during commensal colonization. Functional Foxp3(+) Treg cells are besides produced by PSA during intestinal inflammation, and Toll-similar receptor 2 signaling is required for both Treg induction and IL-10 expression. These studies likewise show that PSA is non but able to prevent, just besides cure experimental colitis in animals and therefore demonstrate that B. fragilis Treg lineage differentiation pathway in the gut to actively induce mucosal tolerance.29


During vaginal commitment, the contact with the maternal vaginal and abdominal flora is an important source for the start of the babe's colonization. During CD, this directly contact is absent-minded, and non-maternally derived environmental leaner play an important function for infants' abdominal colonization.31 Some authors have suggested that the composition of the very first human microbiota could have long lasting effects on the intestine in breast fed infants. For instance, Gronlund, et al 32 showed that the primary gut flora in infants born past cesarean commitment may exist disturbed for upwards to half dozen months after nascency. Another study using civilization based techniques showed that the mode of delivery was associated with differences in abdominal microbes 7 years after delivery. 33 The clinical relevance of these changes is unknown, and even longer follow-up is needed to plant how long-lasting these alterations of the primary gut flora tin exist.

Nevertheless, there is accumulating testify that intestinal bacteria play an of import role in the postnatal development of the immune organization. 30 Thus, if the abdominal flora develops differently depending on the mode of commitment, the postnatal evolution of the immune organization might as well be dissimilar. Available epidemiological data show that atopic diseases announced more frequently in infants after cesarean delivery than after vaginal delivery.34 - 37 The composition of enteric microbiota in early days of life seems, therefore, to be a very important factor for achieving and maintaining good wellness in the years to come. It follows that information technology is fundamental to place more thoroughly the intestinal ecosystem of the newborn.

Although there is an increasing body of evidence that the intestinal microbiota play an essential role in the postnatal development of the immune system, the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Malamitsi-Puchner et al.38 establish that only vaginal delivery promotes the production of various cytokines implicated in neonatal amnesty. Hallstrom et al. 39 constitute a link betwixt cesarean commitment, disturbed intestinal colonization, and, possibly, occurrence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants. Although the epidemiological studies demonstrated that elective cesarean delivery provides an increased take a chance for allergic diseases in later childhood, confounding factors could as well play intermediate roles. Information bachelor from several studies indicate a delayed onset of lactation with cesarean section.40 , 41 Thus, many infants born past cesarean delivery besides lacked the early support of chest milk equally stimulator for a physiological intestinal flora. Both the nonphysiological start of colonization and the missing early dietary back up by delayed start of lactation might result in these long-lasting effects.

Babies are born with immunological tolerance that is instructed by the mother past preferential induction of regulatory T lymphocytes42, which might allow the baby to become colonized by this start inoculum. The mechanism is via substantial numbers of maternal cells crossing the placenta to reside in fetal lymph nodes, inducing the development of CD4+CD25highFoxP3+ Tregs that suppress fetal anti-maternal immunity and persist at least until early adulthood. However, simply a subset (if whatsoever) of the microbes to which the newborn is initially exposed will permanently colonize bachelor niches and contribute to the distinctive microbiota harbored by the body habitats of adults. 21 As more than and more deliveries featherbed the vagina, babies may not exist exposed to these microbes at birth. Differences in commitment mode have been linked with differences in the abdominal microbiota of babies.31 , 32 , 43 , 44 Initial communities may serve as a direct source of protective or pathogenic leaner very early in life.

Some other recent written report45, offers a detailed look at the early stages of the body's colonization past microbes. Babies built-in vaginally were colonized predominantly past Lactobacillus, whereas cesarean commitment babies were colonized past a mixture of potentially pathogenic bacteria typically establish on the skin and in hospitals, such as Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter, suggesting babies born by CD were colonized with peel flora in lieu of traditionally vaginal blazon of bacterium.

The effect of fashion of commitment on development of childhood disease has just recently begun to be explored (Table 1). The upshot appears to be most robust in the area of immune mediated diseases. CD has been associated with a pregnant increased rate of asthma, especially in females, and allergic rhinitis, but not atopic dermatitis.46 This increase was even more apparent when accounting for the factors surrounding the CD. The risk of asthma was increased by lx% in females who underwent a repeat cesarean without ruptured membranes versus those babies with ruptured membranes and/or labor prior to CD.46

Table ane

Cesarean Commitment Associated Childhood Diseases1 , 2
Allergic Rhinitis
All Cesareans i.37 (1.14-ane.63)
Echo Cesareans Simply one.78 (one.34-2.37)
All Cesareans 1.24 (1.01-one.53)
Female 1.53 (i.10-ii.10)
Female & Echo Cesarean three 1.83 (1.xiii-ii.97)
Celiac Disease ane.lxxx (1.thirteen-2.88)
Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1) 1.19 (one.04-i.36)
Gastroenteritis four ane.31 (1.24-1.38)
Gastroenteritis AND Asthma i.74 (1.36-ii.23)

Children born past CD are also significantly more than likely to suffer from celiac disease and to be hospitalized for gastroenteritis.47 No association has been found betwixt CD and Crohn'south disease or ulcerative colitis. However, while preterm nascence has been implicated in the development of inflammatory bowel disease, manner of delivery has not 48

Type I Diabetes Mellitus has been on the ascent in recent decades, mirroring the rise in CD.49 Meta-analysis establish a 19% increase in Type I DM in cesarean children when controlling for confounders such as gestational age, maternal age, and nascency weight. 50 A recent retrospective written report of children in Scotland failed to show such an association. 51 However, it is important to point out that the Scotland study had a very pocket-size number of subjects (n=361) compared to the meta-analysis (n=9938) and the rate of CD was only 14% in the Scottish study (much below the US average).


While CD is necessary in modern obstetrics, the process appears to shift a baby's first bacterial community. A ameliorate understanding of this early colonization, which is also influenced by events such as breast-feeding, may pb to medical practices for establishing salubrious bacterial colonization. The causal relationship between CD, the shift in microbiota and many childhood diseases continues to be studied. However, there are several issues with the studies we have reviewed here.

Information technology is impossible to lump CD into ane category without delineating the indication for CD. It stands to reason that a fetus delivered later on abort at eight centimeters dilation after a long labor would be exposed to a much different microbial environment than a fetus that undergoes CD for maternal asking prior to rupture of membranes. Information technology is naïve to recollect that the fetus is merely exposed to microbes every bit the head passes through the vaginal introitus onto the perineum and to ignore the constant exposure to vaginal flora after rupture of membranes. Sonntag et al 48 failed to prove a relationship betwixt mode of delivery and inflammatory bowel disease. However, the boilerplate age of a field of study in this study was 42 years old. Indication for CD in the belatedly 1960's, prior to common use of external fetal monitoring, is strikingly unlike than modern obstetrical indications. The intrapartum exposures of these subjects is nearly likely vastly different than a more contemporary cohort. Futurity studies must be more meticulous in categorizing CD to fully understand the effect of CD on colonization and babyhood disease.

The office of antepartum and intrapartum antibiotics must also be deemed for in hereafter studies. What effect, if any, these have on the microbiota of the fetus and/or subsequent development of disease is unknown. Nearly xx% of women in the Us are colonized with Group B Streptococcus and will subsequently receive intrapartum antibiotics. Standard of care also dictates that antibiotics exist administered prior to cesarean commitment and to mothers in preterm labor and/or with premature prolonged rupture of membranes. Given all of this, the exposure to antenatal antibiotics is significant. Dominguez-Bello 45 noted a divergence in fetal colonization based on style of delivery. Withal, none of their vaginally delivered patients received antibiotics and the cesarean cases received cephalosporin "several hours" prior to incision which is not the recommended course in the US. Whether this exposure accounts for the departure, or if fetuses who receive antibiotics per standard guidelines in the US evidence a different colonization pattern, is an important research area to explore.

The link between mode of delivery and subsequent childhood pathology is an important one. This becomes even more than important as maternal desire for primary cesarean delivery is on the ascension and rates of vaginal birth later on cesarean (VBAC) are declining in this country. This new information near colonization differences with differing modes of delivery seems to be taking the hygiene hypothesis to an entirely new level.


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Dr. Neu is an Advisory Board Fellow member for Mead Johnson and Medela.

~ The journeying of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~

Lao Tsu


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Health Benefits of Vaginal Birth for Baby Scholarly


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